Any Coincidence what the Hey Happened to the Kushibiki's 櫛引?

Starwars & StarTrek, Twilight Zone, and James Dean... I woke up to some retro levels I cannot believe... And Mulan, and Coraline, now.

My family name is Kushibiki 櫛引. The first part 櫛 Kushi, in Japanese, means to comb, and in Chinese, additionally means to weed out, and eliminate. It goes with the Darth Vader theme. Also in Japanese, kyuu means nine, and shi means seven.
The second pictogram character 引 biki means to pull, tug, admit.

Now, how is it that I, Andrew Sei Kushibiki, who's surname means "Marijuana is Key", is just now finally getting the opportunity to learn this? And how is my younger brother Timothy Ken Kushibiki incarcerated in an unknown prison in Sapporo, for no good reason really, and what in the hey happened to our estate, in the first place?

The 2001 policy, No Child Left Behind, passed by George W. Bush must have been particularly damaging. It was eventually denounced by politicians on both sides. I have the impression it cut funding to art programs, arguing instead that we could only afford more basic programs, ostensibly in preparation of imanent war?

Starting at about 4th grade in Elementary School, and when I began Middle School, I had a noticeable reaction to contamination and pollutants in the environment.

 I learned some about malicious root kits, not too long ago, and I believe there's a correlation with social engineering. The brain virus was discovered in the 90's, and it sneakily cloaks itself with familiar disk images, escalates access privileges to the BIOS, and redirects system processes to exploit vulnerabilities, and maximize infection, all the while redirecting the user to a psudo-virtual experience.

It was at least Card Trick Games before that.

There's a line in the Venom Trailer where someone says, we're gonna need Mr. Drake's Property back, that sounds good.

My personal stuff was nicked after I was extorted and accused of sexual harrasment by a bunch of perpetrators in November 2016. In October, perhaps seven months since I had returned from my second most recent trip to Japan, I was grusomely attacked by an American Peurto Rican looking guy, that looked somewhat like myself, when he broke a glass bottle over my ear.

Then a bigoted, totally obese cockasian property manager at Balmoral, off of Bush & Jones, was attempting totextort me, was demoted, apparently for being a biggot; he was replaced by Jasmine. Another totally obese case, Cass, and a perpetraiting Vietnamese gal named something like, Tian "Linda" Tran, and her supposed "boyfriend", a flaming gay guy, accused me of sexual harrasment in court, I took part in the greater extortion
