Axioms, Annecdotes, & Logical Proofs, and the Uhura Manual

It's wrong and unfair how so many of us are treated.

Anecdotes, Axioms, & Logical Proofs

A statement lacking a supporting argument does not evidence an antithetical correlary.

A rectangle is a square however a square is not necessarily a rectangle.

Fig. of rectangle
"A rectangle is a square."

Fig. of square
"Not a rectangle"

Sequestering tau nutrino vs smashing atoms

Higgsbossom field

Here in hyperspace the systsem (dare I say sistern) I pinging... There are at least two forces at play.

One wants me to express... how terrifically "Metastaticized" Math, Science, & the Arts can be.

The other may or may not be comfortable with say, if we check our security in regards to autonomy. (Net Neutrality)

Wearable computing is an important topic I need to cover more... (For now)

The biggest problem in the world of mathmatics (he free us vs he freeze) is polynomials vs non-differential polynomials.

It's interesting how they work as metaphors for neumonic forces of nature.

As do Scientific particles such as Quantum Physics Tau Neutrinos, and the discovery of the higgs boson field.

Glitchy - Prone to glitches. A sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment. Suffer a sudden malfunction or irregularity.

Voices sometimes have a very strange doppelganger effect. What sounded like a group of strange young blond girls laughing at some glitchiness affecting us, when I had the opportunity to see them, turned out to be nothing like they sounded but an overweight Mexican-American girl. It makes me wonder how often stuff like that or if it's stacked any way. Recently, I remember first noticing Asians that sounded like cockasians or European Americans.

Uhura Manual starts with a rich alpha-numeric alphabet, covering basics and fundamentals. Nouson meaning disease, or tuxe kunousin meaning the b word, beyond disease, first apears as -2... or -1,0. When literally combined, -1,0 appears as the symbol for Earth. (It's strange that the Unicode character for it is being blocked right now... They just passed netneutrality btw too.)

So here's the symbol for Earth's Origin. And if you add to that two more zeros, one for enchenodia, and for enchinidae, it looks like a familiar symbol.


So here is Enchenodiea, Sea Urchin - Virtue, Integrity, Righteousness, and even... Nouson - disease, and tuxe kunousin, the b word.

And here's the Live Sharksucker, Remora, Encheneidae.

ScientificnameEcheneis naucrates

So all those symbols together looks like Mickey mouse and is a good place to start...

After that we have:

1A. for the First Amendment, which reminds me of childrens' learning blocks.

2B. The second amendment, also has to do with William Shalespear's famous soliliqy from Hamlet; and also Cupid as a lobster, and the words two-bit, and stupid.

3. The Golden Ratio - 3.141592...

4. Why Soy? It's alphanumeric is 450. The four looks like a Y, and the 50 is rest of the SOY... It also looks like 420. And the 5, and the two from the two sets combined yeilds 52 or heart.

This is also a reference to the Ilocos Region in the Philippines. The J shape od the region works as the inverse to the letter L, and also if rotated 45 degrees a V, and the 3 shape works as an E... So that gives us L,V,E... And Vigan city there close to the heart, works as the O, as in Oh.
So that gives us the words LOVE and EVIL.

Also there's a band called L7, I've heard a couple of their songs, and really like them. The name is a reference to an oldies aong.... Maddie told Haddie...

5. Norrie's Law Hoard Fife, Scottland

6. 6, 7, 8, 9... Oysters have hearts and other organs. Protect innocence.

10. Akenaten and Nefertiti

11... Probably a reference to the elv on the floor of the Arctic ocean map


13... There are over 13 flavors of fructose

So, that's the jist of the Uhura alphabet.
