(There's a philosopher that pointed out the inherent anti-humanistic nature of systems, there's truth to that.)

Security, net-neutrality Hyperland, Mooliteracy, Emc2,

Ohm's Law is important a

I was thinking I may do well to focus a career in entertainment, learning, & security, when I recalled my bean noodles are called "Saifun".
I can't believe anyone would take this out of context.

CPU - Chair 4 Public Understanding
MAPS - Modern Alchemy & Proto-Science
LOVE, Progress & Philisophy - Intro

How few know how the word LOVE is encoded in the Ilocos Region, on the Island of Luzon, in the Philippines, shows the degree of resistance we are up against.

The Black Eyed Peas have a song, Where is the Love? But is it enough?

And obviously some source for Peter Pan'
I'vebeen wondering since first hearing.
Is there a channel by which we can insure everyone is getting their metaphysical neutrients?

Time to buck up, and put our balls to the wall.

Important letters can be made out,
Where's the "O"?
Where's the whole?
Vigan City

If you can't tell that's where the word love comes from, as well as the Peter pan story, you may need a lightbulb replaced.

I've been looking for this for a while:
Sociologist Robert Nisbet said that "No single idea has been more important than ... the Idea of Progress in Western civilization for three thousand years",[29] and defines five "crucial premises" of the idea of progress:
  1. value of the past
  2. nobility of Western civilization
  3. worth of economic/technological growth
  4. faith in reason and scientific/scholarly knowledge obtained through reason
  5. intrinsic importance and worth of life on earth


I wondered what the second point was about before discovering the pictish silver at Nori's Law Hoarde Fife, Scottland.

With respect to our Mother Earth, all of our civilization's problems can be traced back to prehistoric times, wether or not we recognize & respect the sentience of our inter-species ken, and how we define criminality.

Here we can see a guy with a stick. It looks like he's working to knock down a big bees' nest, underneath his partner is stoking a fire, using the smoke to drive away the bees.

In our current aeon, evil has come to point.
Indifference or the lack of love can be addressed.

w blasé , or the cu lmination of something worse may, always remain to the faithful, as points of shock.

. I'm curious to know if the Jeffersonion Bible makes any mention of it, or just picks up with Jesus being born in the manger, ostensibly due to callusness l, hesitation, or economic scarcity of bethlBeth

Hegemony & technocracy seem to be the major problems I'm facing.
In one of the Timothy Leary talks, maybe Tune in, Turn On, and Drop out, he says Marshall McLuhan said our eyes are extensions of our brains. Who controls our eyes controls our brains. Propaganda is always a problem in a secular society. Then again, hegemeny is mayne what you get without separation of church and state.

So we must have autonomy to help control the stream of data & energy that our beings are exposed to.

It's tragically ironic how in the 21st century, the United States leads the world in debt, $21 trillion. It's like we've been economically hydroplaning since the 1980s.

I feel sick from all the negative people that have been allowed to interfere inin  life. Not sure that I ever never knew such negative energy existed.

There's a concept of roll over minutes, and there's such a thing a thing as roll over sickness and evil too.

In the information age there's a real problem with autonomy and our freedom.

The United States of America in the 21st century is not the country she set out to be, for her debt is morbid.

In all fairness, she was already severely in debt by the end of the 20th century. This has to do with a sociological infection society has had since prehistoric ages.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." --the Usual Suspects, Christopher McQuarrie

Before our country was founded, and before the establishment of Europe, or even Ancient Egypt, there existed a highly advanced civilization in the heart of Africa, in modern day Algeria. A site known as Tassili N' Ajjer.

"Moreover, I, on my side, require of every writer, first or last, a simple and sincere account of his own life, and not merely what he has heard of other men’s lives; some such account as he would send to his kindred from a distant land; for if he has lived sincerely, it must have been in a distant land to me." 
--Walden & Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau

"Hell hath no fury", attributed to William Congreve's play Mourning Bride, "Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd / Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd."

In 1966 Grace Slick and Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit inspired generations to feed their brains, while Dr. Timothy Leary preached "tune on, turn in, and drop out", and laterlto think for ourselves and to question authority.

We live in an age of zombie apocolypse, where the discipline of Mathmatics, the natural philosphy of Science, History, and Liberal Arts, combine to give us MaShtarts, which sounds like "My lil'sista".

elp to form a  is ith only metastize existentially.   philosophy of nature, Physics, is on my mind. nergy equals mass times the speed of light squared is Einstein's formula for mass-energy equivalence.

Today I was excited to see this epic photo Elijah Wood retweeted from Annapurna Pictures; "a long line of people waiting to see ALIEN at the Egyptian Theater 1979".

It reminds me of E=mc2, along with classic literature such as Homer's Iliad & Odyssey; Post-modernism, & Pink Floyd's Wish you were here. Some kind of paradoliac memphisian apopheniac, the person without an expression on their face, reminescent of the discovery of the brain virus in '86, Ulysses, the Leviathan, the writing of the malicious rootkit in 1990, et Al.

(It's 8:53 pm in the nature observatory, people have been hacking me, and a specifically young man sounding says "Your suit Ansel" some other people are actually out here, and one is a firm guy, "here, here, get your banana". So that's quite strange. And says something canvilevered to neutral, and crunches a can, sounds like someone had something to drink there. It's fucked up. It's like when I just thought there was still a piece of dried fruit in my container but it was a just small bag of pasta...)

There's a really bad n' glitchy net-neutrality issue where these system admins have been forever on my nutts. Hacking my session, taking part in extorting me, likely causing the loss of America's first female president, et Al. #Unbelievable

A major point of extortion was at my residence at the historic Hillsdale hotel behind the US Mint in San Francisco's inner-city. If you want to make it a better society, then please consider what Henry David Thoreau wrote in Civil Disobedience, that an organization is only conscientious as its constituents. And what Immanuel Kant said about the way we treat our fellow inter-species kin, having a correlation to the way we treat one another.
