Jesus Christ, Lord of the Rings and Bodhidarma

UPDATE: So it turns out this is actually the heart of Yawaeh Jesus...

Solving the world's problems one dollar at a time.

Sauron the Sourcerer,
Thanos, and...

An ancient Japanese scroll of the Zen Lord, Bodhidarma
I think one of these he's depected as Mr. Gaijin-san with blue eyes. There are also some red and blue giants with clubs. The first pictogram in the upper right hand corner there is Katakana or Hiragana for "Ka".

Perhaps the most sacred landmark in the known Universe

Charlie the Unicorn & the Banana King, Jesus of Nazereth, Eru Ilúvatar, and the Furr

And Don't Forget, There  is  No  More  Batman  Anymore

I actually just saw big foot, about 75 feet tall, between  the baseball field and boat house. There's poisonous oak in the bone yard, so if you go the wrong way, you may get severely burned.
