The Hold Up With World Peace

Irisante Mimes (also I am encouraging everyone to start their own blogs. There's a good Henry David theoru quote. Maybe the immanual Kant one as well.

Believe it or Not, The Hold Up With World Peace revolved, in a way around a couple who was simple, yet were being depicted as Donkey Kong and the Princess, in the late 70's and early 80's, anticipating their release... (Lapland)

(There's a very important point about the inferior sinoid cochlea that relates back to WikiLeaks Julian Assange, and the Airports & Shenzen Zone, also with combating Global warming and climate change, how burning fossil fuels, including our inter-species ken, who are overwhelmingly children, deals with bondage, breaking the cancerous feedback loop, otherwise How life on Earth [Uhura!] is progressing...

The infferior sinoid cochella also relates back to the aquatic tiger cowlrie shell, who's little tansparent osicon-like felanges? resemble the tetetrahydrocanabinal trichromes of Cannabis Marijuana.

This also goes with how to roll (watch out for Judah 🦁).

Bob Marely R.I.P. has a song, Three Little Birds, about chronoplasuma.

We gotta pull up about Mr Winklers... R.I.P. Michael. (Thank you so much for the book Peter and Ms. Rita Marely. I am so sorry I lost it in the flood, before I woke up all the way.

Ph'wats nu, Scott? and Mrs. Winkler? ;)

This is totally connected to our memory (moomary) and say fair trade decalf.

There's a photo of Noel Bradley R.I.P.
from the early days of Sublime in the early 90s maybe, where his hair is grown out. I think the background is somewhat blurry, like maybe there was a blue or red light there, and it almost looks like a Pepsi sign.
I thought I heard our good Southern Loas nfr we may have been trying to get him to say Pepsi back then, instead of alcohol. Now it would be an ONYS - Original New York Selzter Water, or Crystal Ghesier or La Croix... Maybe with some fresh organic fruit juice.

Early in the morning, rising to the street, light me up that cigarette, and I'll strap shoes on my feet.

Fairtrade decalf flavor is really nice with soy creamer.

Neil Sevedas, probably up in Oregon now, is the other brother who was kind of up there like that but, what are you all eating? We gotta get all you all to the Tau Neutrino level, if they arenta already. (Some are if you read between the lines.) That'swhat those red blind shades are for.
But sometimes nobody knows what we have them on for.  -__-

So this is like a CPU, or Chair for Public Understanding (Richard Dawkins is the one at Oxford)

Almost as if on a motive pedestal, within our
chraniums, within the tissue of our brains, are neurons, made up of cellular bodies and arms called synapses, there are , made up of neurons, have a cellular body, and an arm called the synapes. So these axioms can grow and attach to one another; there are little felanges at the ends of the synapse, which connect with dendrites around the body.
These points of contact work as receptors for the transmission of biochemicals like dopamine, serratonim, GABA, and MAOI.

With Computer programing, correlations can be drawn, how we may be like biological machines, possessed with sentience and sapience.

I gotta cover four axis
Nobel, Gregarii
Civilians, Militaris

And everyone has there own "military" (army, etc.)

Also why there are eagles, vegan spiders, finches, sparrows, egrits etc.

The Canadian Movie Get a Job is Important.
And the Disney film about the house too.

There's a story that parralles the film the Master in many ways. After WWII my Genral Ojichan may have been a person of interest, considering how he could have sided
his individual Hideo Kushibiki, son of Hideki Kushibiki who was apparently originally just a civilian coolie from Hokkaido Island, you know the landmark heart of the Freemason symbol that (proust) goes back to prehistoric times... yet, before Ojichan was drafted into WWII off those trains that we're intented only for marijuana, vegitables, and Amenshas more or less.

Mario Bro., and later as Super Mario in the mid 80's. His father washis little brother was depicted Simba in the Lion King (based on Oden, which means many, in ancient Greek). He grew up.

My name is Andrew Sei Kushibiki   . My last name is Kushibiki, we are going to put the meaning of it together. It shares the same ancient source code with namesake of Berkeley and the swish swish video.

There are some very important points here, some have to do with what WikiLeaks, Julian Assange shared about Airports and the Shenzen Zone in Europe. We lived with Grandma and Grandpa in our Manor a little while in St. Petersburg from about 1987 or 1988, during the Gulf War.

This is connected to
My house was built in Orlando in about 1989

(Compartmentalizing my compassion program)
