Divine Providence (Updating Memory Eraser)

The United States is founded in part, on Divine Providence.

Got Dairy? If so, in all likelihood you also have saturated triglycerides, or "sand" in your penial gland.

Didn't anyone ever tell you to grow up?

Just about every day, there is important news being printed, and even more important news being overlooked. For example, that the word news comes from the word mews, or moos; or that the word literacy comes from the word mooliteracy.

Hello, my name is Andrew Sei Kushibiki. Kush is another name for marijuana, and in the present day United States, marijuana has been federally criminalized into an "illegal drug". However in California and over a dozen other states, marijuana has been legalized or decriminalized...

I've been out here in the field for so long getting tortured.

Well, it's time, to hold on...

I've been out here for so long
Wondering, for so long

Hold it there, the buck stops here...

For so many days, I'm not getting paid

 I'm out here wondering
Why I'm not getting

etting paid, when so many

uddenly I see...


I was just asphyxiating on a patio here in Berkeley when I noticed something

suddenly I see, KT Tunstall
