HELP, I feel so sick... Possibly from the stress or from something else. I haven't been able to eat all day, which is usually the case as I've am been beinh dragged  abducted me here off Telegraph Ave. last year when I first got back. I was exercising my first amendment right to free speech sharing what I found out about the global livestock and military complex. Apparently it was just prior to the California wildfires, and there's also a lot of polution sometimes. There are some hacks in my phone and it takes forever to type sometimes. Some people have them and are convinced by them. Never. Get the heck out of my phone, et Al.

I keep unconsciously asking myself, what the heck am I doing out here, exposed to so much "nouson", extorted out of my home, and away from my family, with no safe or decent way, or remittance, of any kind of wholesome reffuge.

Once in a blue moon or a while at least MLK Asuc isn't overfilled with mostly Chinese kids, and then just a hodgepodge of "ordinary" people.


I was just thinking about how there's such an  utter lack of infrastructure... What's more is the degree of interference. There are a number of ways to rule out chirality or indifference, and recognize a distress signal.

I'm being bombarded by... you could say shanghaied. There were a couple that seemed neutral enough, for adept. And then a group of some girls, I think something else was going on, and this Chinese guy came in and has been chit chatting, is... And it smells like shit.

Idk what to do, i haveI have several mental breakdowns a day, it's extremely painful.

Earlier before that, there was a cockasian gal, and an African guy seated on both sides of me.

Now another Asian guy is here.

The pair hacked my phone apparently, it really looked like they were using the same software as the big guy that's been bullying me.
