Here's the fact jack, got a cabage blizzard in Niger, nouson in Berkely, too many rocks so alan ginsburg named it Rockland. A few hits then your wondering, how much it'll take to hop the whole shebang off. Drop the block, you can hate me now cause it's never gonna stop. Knock knock a lot of PJs are wondering, where the fuck is the missing link wop wop, you dumb cockasian hole.

Here's the original schedule, recognize & respect this shit, now...

It's like our country has got AIDS, or Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

Countries & People, like personal computers, are vulnerable to viruses, infection, and abuse.

Using mathematics I will demonstrate that there's a problem, and then solve for it.

So first I want to express a data set, using bisection

Say we have Mr. Arthur F. Worthington's grocery list, and then we can draw conclusions about parallels.

So here are some folk discrip.

Adult consumption of dairy - dim, forelorn, imature, adolescent, banal, heartless, sleazy, scheezy, lame, sucks

Eggs - Mud, "eggnorant" (ignorant), dumb, exploitated, possibly agressive and or passive-agressive, yuck, yolks, Huck yuck Huck yuck, swing batter batter batter, swing

Carnist - meatbag, sack, b-words

Bought is an interesting word, seemingly relates to bite, bow, and I guess seller or to sell out

Bought + chicken = seems to be where the B - word count from. Perchance, and perhaps seem to be positive usages for it.

Are you gay?

Okay, I am out here in the rain, just under a ledge. Reminds me of Tampa.

Anyway, somehow I got onto wondering about the Hells Angels, and was looking at this outlaw club, it's crazy since my mom's maiden name is sellers. And there's a connection to sailors and...

Bowman became wanted in 1998 for crimes going back sixteen years earlier, beginning with the murder of an Outlaws member in Ormond Beach, Florida in 1982.[3]

I was born in '83, just after the release of Mario Bros. Since my last name means marijuana, I wonder...

Okay so wtf do these corporate people let me suffer? They seemed to hold a lot of influence in my existence.

Here's some more crazy shit, apparently linked through Tampa, Sami Al-Arian is connected to PIJ (palistenian) from Kuwait...

Okay so my grandfather's parents used to own and operate a dairy farm, which is like a poop farm. My grandparents have three daughters. One of them married a Kuwaiti, so it's strange that there is this professor at USF that has served time for allowing some kind of palistenian radical I apparently, let me see

Tips, people's pipe organ inspecr
