Saturday, January 12th 2019

Don't misinterpret what I'm saying, or what I represent but, the fight to resurrect Net-neutrality, and the continued fight for Equality must go on!

It's incredulous that of existing standards, few actually work to protect us, or address how we live on a daily basis.

It's important how the water heiroglyph is apparently a bird fractal for water.

Awarenes about the different ways inequality are perpetrated is needed.

New Zealand has already legally recognized the sentience of our inter-species ken, and we would be square creeps not to do the same. So there is some law we need to model, and inlist our govrnment representatives to sponser these bills, unequivocally.

The abolishment of executions is another necesity. The antithetical sentiment it creates in our psyches is the institutionalization of state violence against the individual... Some might even say the soul.

It is an inhumane system which robs us of so much humanity and enlightenment. Benjamin Rush is the founding father who was staunchly against executions.

We need reformation. We have just now been legalizing marijuna in California, and throughout the states, and excise taxes are being applied to medicine. That's not what excise taxes are for!

Excise taxes are for leveraging against vices such as gluttony! In nature what animals consume eggs besides foxes and weasels? Girraffes, gorillas, hippos, even spiders, are for all arguments' sake vegan teetotalers.

It's due to neurosis - sociological diseases that we live in virtuallized worlds.

Take any general modern terriestial field, there are roads, not all are needed, some can grow marijuna, we can use double decker buses, there are blocks with houses that can employ gardening, hydroponics, et Al. And if our government can afford to secretly give billions to the military year after year, and bail out wallstreet hundreds of billions and it resists subsidizing us to help pay for our own autonomy and soverignty, then it should be deduced that something seriously inhumane is going on.

Our domesticized communities need to establish nurturing relationships with the homeless where possible. Appropriateness might be assymetrical in this case.

In regards to questions of space, there are many buildings that can be used, even our own garages. However there's also a question of integrity and structure in terms of culture. Many of us are wrought in babyon in the first place.

About net-neutrality I saw some websites earlier with seemingly big names, PC Gamer perhaps, and maybe a big security site, perpetrating misinformation.

If you look on the back of the dollar, there are what appear to be rattle snake tails, representing shills. That chirality and its manifestation in government as beuracracy, and in our society as underhandedness is not good.

Fortunately, math and science has worked out some real and theoretical premises that deal with the problems at hand.

So, we're born into, forced and coerced to live within bogus systems which exert or displaces an inhumane force on others, or otherwise stands by idly when not engaged...

The prehistoric image at tassili n ajjer in modern Algeria sheds light on this... About the forbidden, and the chaos and breakdown that ensues when it's violated.

To say the world is dreary is somewhat of an understatement. But if it truly understood that, then how many of us would start to wake up?

It's sort of a juggling act because we need to to process ideas, to let facts sink in. The majority of the world's human inhabitants are under a spell or in some auxiliary modality.

Babylon is the convention we speak of, as it sounds like baby lion, and you'd have to be closer to our four leged ken to just give into such base habits like that. It's inhumane to feed into those systems of exploitation. There are natural and wholesome alternatives to the junk that passes as food out there. If you are ever at a funeral where the person is cremated, then you might know what that crematory oder is about that so many have been bred to salivate by. See pavlovian, goa goja

They stole my backup battery among other things. I would have double the capacity right now.

There are underground networks here that have been doing some fucked up shit.

How to roll
Many don't even know how to smoke weed, much less roll a joint? What are they gonna do when the man comes around?

Kinda reminds me of machaveli.
