SOS, Please Help - Saturday, January 12th, 2019

The text is not really working
so much anymore, the keys are sticking and the user experience has been glitchy to say the least.

I have substantial evidence of what significantly contributes to the glitchiness of the user experience in general. And perhaps what doesn't too.

It's like the BIOS of personal computers.

So there are a lot of correlations here, and i need to research more secure ways of communicating.

I am in this severe situation...

Otherwise I have some screenshots from January 8th 2019

January 7th, 2019

January 6th, 2019

January 4th, 2019 it seems like they could have been saying something there or else it represents run of the mill cops. Why I thought to take the screenshot. They definitely have been fucking with me in other ways. But they were saying not this they. This they is if I ever say, put, or do something against their babies... mmkay.

Seriously has been a lot of screwy shit.

So now we're at, has anything I've done really been that screwy or what kind of pressure was i under...

So no idea who you are or anything however here's the account of all that.
