Hokkaido, the Island & Prefecture of Northern Japan, that my younger brother Timothy & I are originally from, was hit by a magnitude 6.6 Earthquake, four miles from Atsuma, on September the 5th, at 11:07 AM.
Coincidentaly, I have both been unjustly incarcerated there, for Marijuana; and he, more or less, for robbing & assaulting someone, undoubtedly erked. I have been working to secure his location and rescue him, and are working to verify that our couisn is safe since the Earthquake as well.
Here is a map showing the epicenter of Wednesday's quake, which has claimed two lives, and many others are still missing.
It may have been one of the largest earthquakes in the Island's history.
Otherwise, the shape of Hokkaido usually reminds people of hills and mountains, while the South may remind one of a semi-famous leg of trail in Tilden Regional Park, with its ancient & most unique natural landmarks & artifacts.
This unique old rock and root looks like a locking capsule.
Here are some similar capsules in scenes from the new Venom movie trailer:
And the rare shape of this old marvel of a tree just down the trail resembles the Southern coast of Hokkaido, doesn't it?
Given the amount of resources modern individuals and entities have this day in age, a high possibility exists of an artificial earthquake. But, why?
One possible reason could be to draw attention to marijuana legalization.
At the dawn of the 20th century, Marijuana was still legal in the United States of America, and also in Japan, and many many countries the world over. Unfortunately, however, it was being criminalized already by ignorant & evil forces [Note to self: make sure ma li sta knows what beguiling is].
Remember that, our founding father, George Washington, told his gardener specifically to keep separate the sexes of the marijuana plant. It can be rest assured that the soul purpose of this practice is to prevent pollenation to produce sensimilla (without seed) to increase THC (sometimes also known as the humane condition, as cat nip has a similar lemon oil effect on cats) potentcy. 🐈
After the United States of America declared Independence on July 4th, and liberated ourselves from Brittish tyranny in the American Revolutionary War, those who fought with bravery & courage were honored, & those who survived now had a degree of power & influence, in addition to their experience.
However by the early 1900's Cannabis Marijuana was already being criminalized, while snake oil salesmen continued to dupe vulnerable citizens by peddling bovine dairy - bad ju ju, and poultry eggs which are laiden with cholesterol - foul, ignorant, ridiculous to people who didn't know any better.
Meanwhile even Hemp, the very material the original consitution had been drafted on was being criminalized in a witch-hunt that begain at least as early as the 1900's, seeing a legal reaction to ethanol consumption with the 18th Amendment, that prohibited the manufacture, transportation, and sale of ethyl-alcohol across the board (Perhaps not distinguishing between consumption and industrial uses while, consumption and actual posession were still not illegal).
So 18th good, 21th bad
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