Maybe last week, I went for a walk up Berkeley hill, there's a section that looks like the water Mill up there... I approached it and noticed some rectangular cube coffin-like sections, and some shelter over it. Just passed it seemed like a bronze ohm rainforest-like warlock portal relief sculpture, that brings to mind Olmec head or legends of the hidden temple, of a face or earth reactor.
There could have been some ambient current, and it seemed kind of dreary, and I studied the two super imposing structures before going back to get a better look at that bronze-ish shape. When I could hear what must have been a manipul of female ludites, telling me to go, and move on, because the site that's remniscenre of a couple coffinscis holly to them.
Animism is the spiritual belief or religion that has to do with the way vegetation may personify an ego.
Up until this point there were various Loa that had inhabbited the terresterial field. I had come to this prescipiece. The weather was not too cold however this being phenomena was unreal, and seemed like they were most malicious. It took me a moment to realize, this pan-like charliton represented narcissistic sociopathicy. 
And make the windows like the water but, smooth, flat, bezelled

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