
Hi, Welcome & thank you for calling ↖️the body of Jesus Christ* tips & salvation hotline.

Life is undoubtedly a peach - don't get eaten by the worms!

Something hokey is definitely going on.
Hold accountable global warming perpitrating inter-species ken violators.

  1. Abolish executions
  2. Safe and equitable Housing (universal)
  3. Medicare
  4. Legalize Marijuana
  5. Protect the environment (bump)
  6. Recognize the sentience of our inter-species ken
  7. Leverage excise taxes

The nasibus, or slow lorris, is an endagered species.

forbidden products . Just because the establishment says or sells something, doesn't mean it's alright.

Mother Teressa says: it's very problematic when babies continue to consume dairy beyond the age of three or four. Also if they consume other animal biproducts

Dairy is for weening babies and toddlers

As we've been living in an ailing hell-on-earth capitalistic social democratic republic, and as long as so many of our main chronospheres are down, we're virtually defenseless in this economic war.

Here's a letter

Dear Kurt, just wanted you to know what a contrarian demagogue you became to them. Now, would be, real followers of the body of Christ and please stand up. I can't imagine what you were going through...

a fellow christian


