Protocol 87 - SOS HELP - it's ugly out here... Plain ugly

Help end violence with vegetables

Since I was born in the early 1980s, our country's infected and buck wild system has been leading the world into debt everyday, now over $21 trillion and counting...

Wherever we, the citizens of Earth, lack access to enriching data (as I'm sharing) is where we are vulnerable.

Structure can be a good way to develop integrity and avoid doing wrong.

The crème de la crème for those just tuning in is why models illuminating the wonder of the natural world are in order.

Why is a former partner called an ex? With all the propaganda, exploitation, and passive-agression, is it any wonder that over half of our marriages fail? Of course that's gotta be a big waste of money and energy.

It can readily be attributed to our utter lack of significant primary education, and manipulation of our government by the less than scrupules.

Friggin War

The world is infested

The ancient Greeks had a word for disease called nouson, and a similar word, kunessin meaning the b word.

Society has become so bad that you can't even say what a spineless fruit-eating dingbat is...

Or can you? Otherwise is that just what a nebicanizer is?

Our nation has worm-led the world I debt, $21 trillion and counting. It means our dollars are worth less. (Deadly Snakes, A bird in the hands is worth less is another great song.)

Dairy is a malgamation of dirty.
Eggs are to mud as dairy is to dirty
As mud is to dumb
Or as it is to dim.

et al.

Access the forlorn and foresaken
The tragic truth of reality is that we're walking in a spider web. Sometimes it all depends how much me we weigh. There is an ampetstand. Sometimes another way is all we look for.

Another way, another reich, or reichstag... Well...


Edicts may be another aproach.

Art, Motion picture, sculptures, images, and pictograms depecting the truth are a good place to begin.

Reality is a terrestrial plain, populated by human beings, our inter-species ken, and the utter lack of edicts :(

vestibules that transmit vs Vulnerablity for abuse

Good ohms

ma up largely of

  latent users

displacement or targeting by the system.

Traffic, pet odors, trouble at the airports. Metastisized desensitized media vacuum.
Our country is utterly infested with spinelessdingbat hacks in a

You're friggin stupid if you don't  did I get kicked out' my own room? Feedback loops trick to consume you.

Gardening fruit for fungis
Don't go friggin with the bees or their honey
Sweet peach with cowfungi
Even if
Fructose trip sweetens the bitter

gardening good to let it go. Growing vegetables to escape consumers

 in the garden
Human vestibules

And the friggin wars on crematory odors
Paved paradise don't know where it's at
Screaming parking meters vs little green men

 use the force
tourists, getting little green men
Saying great gazoo, nice to meet you
Masticating, on it's back

The pain that
we've been so
Desensitized by
indifference to
the suffering of other
Is behind
Or is it?

Hard to buck that conditioned reaction
What indifference and  are we letting in?
False profits be programming babylon

our intestines, with bullocks, blood, and murder. Save the corral don't stave it, and save a correlation to your inter-species ken. What are they forced to die for?  There's some greed, gluttony, and idolatry...

Who are we to force what blood dairy's grown for, violating our inter-species ken children. for sale are false profits. The truth in real peril.

unconsciousonable how bad these spineless dingbats are.
look beyond that anti-social establishment where predators fester.

In the wild, foxes, racoons,

I thought of a familiar sounding phrase such as "Mein haber der spiegel" like, "Am I friggin stupid?" According to the encyclopedia of criminal Russian tattoos, people tattooed Hitler just to spite their own tyrannical government. I mean, he couldn't have just been some kind of Manchurianized overlord could he? Dune's CHOAM may be a factor.

Updating again

For the last couple years, I have been struggling to wrought my life out of this bucolic woody hellscape trailer park that is Berkeley, CA, USA.

Why can't anyone recognize that I  am being targeted? I was extorted. That I have been violently assaulted extorted several timesassaulted harrassed
Spineless dingbats have been bullying me for a while.

sounds like a phrase I may have heard before meaning, am I  It apparently means I have

In fact, spineless dingbats seem to be what's the matter with the whole world.

  with me and my phone
On the hill next to UC Berkeley is a monument with a big C on it and it says RUSH, andedicated
Hackers have been fucking with me and my phone for a while.
Berkeley and san Francisco claim to be sanctuary cities... There's shit I've gone through here that is the stuff only nightmares are made of, and I'm here to elaborate on those examples, and what the friggin heck else has been going on out here. (Do you smell what the rock is cooking?)

Thanks for visiting my site. If you're real or even ernest, this is a good place to check in and see some of what's been going on with this docket. I'm looking for good people to work with (It might be important to clarify between good and decent peopleh however chewy. Apparently a good person will lend respite, and allow you to crash on their sofa. Whilst, degree of authenticity of character may have to do with diet or circumstances of lifestyle.) This way or that...

I am being targeted because my surname Kushibiki means marijuana, and circumstances have been grueling since 2012 when I was made a victim of police brutality, (, and the global livestock complex is threatened by it), when I was incarcerated over medical marijuana in Japan, before leaving Florida during the Bush regieme, and when I had to flee there at the end of the Obama administration.

It's been three years since I've returned to the states. I can't say I've made any good friends since then although, I can't say I haven't either.

Growing up I never really understood that people are either good, ernest, decent, not bad, bad or worse. Someone once said, if you're not real, i.e. a dairy tourist, it may not hurt to be upfront about  you're meddling existence. when it comes down to it, either we are mature and moral individuals, and or we have atoned and recinded, or else we are something else...(entirely).

in northern california i've lived at least five years - a few years in San Francisco and Berkeley a couple - and I find there's an unconscionable barbarian military presence.  In 2012 i worked for the obama administration via an independent firm, when I was severely assaulted in the financial district by a random stranger, and then by cops out of Chinatown.

There's no reason to believe that it was a coincidence but part of a government conspiracy to suppress our freedoms.

I was left open to more attacks for a while.

my time and experience here has given me some insight into the innerworkings of our country and the world, and I am deeply convinced of the need to establish a new wholesome order, which is rooted in an honest framework of how the world actually works, and safe accessability to that.

Okay, based on what I wrote yesterday, I am still also seeking to establish a system and centers where citizens or users can get access to whatever is relevant; that may be tips on how to soundly operate ones' own life.

Update: Real divis duck bucker - real banana dairy nougat... No, I ain't got no casinate, NOUSON.* ...Okey

Mein fick der spiegel
how anti-social and full of beached uga-bugas is our society? Most people no matter their size, tend to be caught in an undertow of being like little limpets (which I'm just reading about are called patellidae. It reminds me of some of the immigrants I was exposed to growing up... And many of the technocratic berber like nouson I'm exposed to herr, and like  FCCs Jit Pai that violates are first amendment rights, and netneutrality) One specific Patella vulgata) which reminds me of

The opposite of good is bad, and the opposite of not good is decent. A lot of people have been coming up believing they're good when they're not that good really, probably they're still weening just for example. They might be earnest but that doesn't make them that good either...

🎵Mabiline, won't you come true. Oh mabaline, won't you come true.🎶

Hokey stuff has been going on but, don't let me neglect to mention I'm a straight socket, if you think you have the right bulb then inquire to screw me in, and turn me on.

I've got foo
I'm sharing my findings, where some claim to be good, and some make no claim but no one claims to be decent.
he opposite of not good isn't good. It's decent.

How good are we really?

Would you make friends with a stranger? Would you help a stranger off the streets?

Help me, they took apart my insides...

We need to help do whatever we can do about this... People don't just want to be descent, they want to be good - great, super  (Time for more than just accessing the situation... Or wontonly interfering.)

A plaque on the corner of the Bohemian

I never noticed how her majestys a pretty nice girl seems to Segway into I'm gonna marry a lighthouse keeper.

Or how ariel barnstorming may have held some keys to early feminism. (In addition to hildergard of Benin? Joan?)

I found something worth gushing about... Sort of

Lotuses and Leeches (apparently I'm deep six too, from cobras raptor)

I've been getting what a heartless inter-species-file circus and horror show modern society has become (or has been otherwise), some of the disceased aside... I'm not saying you or they haven't been fine and decent folks, I'm just querying 

The global military-livestock complex 
It really needs to get a life ring. Safe & Equitible housing is a human right. Access to nature is imparitive. Access to & ability  maintaining a nurtring vonneconne  There lot of boggies out here. False profits of the apacolypse, querying undignified something? What's in that curry? Something shocking, barbarian & ugly... choking plain ugly, a sodium medusa, intergalactic planetary, 

 Have you seen the Circle yet, or have you by chance read digital fortress.

How difficult is it to  Now, You're all such fine and decent folks... Now, what I'm dying to know is where are the good people? What happened to democracy and a common sense of decensy. Why am I walking in a one to whatever hit wonderland. Maybe it's comedic justice, because the banter is familiar, out of left field. Maybe it's ones' sense of humor. Okay lady bye bye. Lassy come home. Meh. There used to be a thing known as getting the whole picture, equal opportunity, respite & hospitality. Other than custard, what else has gone buck whild are the good people at? How many decent people does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Is Andrew Kushibiki the true story of what's eating Gilbert Grape, and the real Anakin behind the Phantom Menace?

What is OG style about?

Stay sober and give him back his bullet!!!

What are unreal people doing and allowing to be done to him? His name sounds like droogy as in a Clockwork Orange. His maternal family is Sellers-Best-Pickett. There is apparently a connection to the HBO show Tales from the Crypt brcaube the Sellers used to bring Dairy is branded as real but that's just a marketing gimmick. Animal blood products are commodities that aren't even goods. Most people have been conditioned to be carnists, vegetarian, or inhumane in some way, and that affects their personalities, and or society and economies which have otherewise become circuses &  horror shows.

Where are we and our governments in addressing PROBLEMS that even in other countries, probably have the same solutions.

Where is the order? Do you know why it's called the white rabbit, or the tortise and the haire?

Soverign countries are supposed to have a sense of right and wrong. A moral ethos - blueprint of what's right and wrong. We say we're living in the information age, and yet isn't such a lack of wholesome infrastructure indicative that we're living in a technocracy?

What happened to our democracy? Could propaganda, greed, & foolishness be why we are $21 trillion in debt?

Where are the anotomicalmodels of digestion for example. That would be of great benifit to everyone. And we can see how our ken share important & significant attributes as ourselves, including sentience.

Hi Everyone, hopefully I've mentioned enough about

-how much violence I've been being exposed to. Statistically our lifespan decreases the longer we are homeless. I have been extorted multiple times, and continue to be assaulted, harried and harrassed, being denied safe housing, and dragged under the bus. And left wondering why anyone can't get down to address how anti-social and anti-humanistic, as a moolinarian at least, and sincerely hope everyone becomes infected by this condition.

Freak'n vouge for Arnold Skynet (this guy friggen gay now? Life's a peach, don't let the worms eat ch'ya!!

*Wherr's the cabbage** tonka

**So key but I put paqen
