A scourge has been ravishing our people and planet since prehistoric times. the beuracratic good and enlightened among us have sought a path of righteousness, despite sychophanaticusm, technocracy, beuracracy and sychophanaticism,
Though society may be inhumane convoluted turned deeply convoluted, inhumane, ,manipulative and sychophanatic culture, as , as opposed to inhumane opression, and deeply convoluted, manipulative, and troubling systems, which we may have been born into, and that had premutated itself into our culture and civilization, in order to ingratiate
to escape systems of oppression,
Thay people recoil at we such wickedness. Many people are not all the way there.
Geomorphology is the study of geological pattterns and shapes, while apophenia and paradolia have to do with recognizing patterns, shapes, and images in random nature. Take for classic example, a map of North America, with East due North, revealing the outline of the top torso of a "cow-person"; while upside down, our shape is quite like an ardvark, armadillo, or anteater.
This is precisely the kind of wholesome and enriching material that raises awareness of ourselves, our country, planet, and it's inhabitants; and needs to be taught to students.
While awkward to explain for the animal agriculture loby and their shills, this is . Monopolistically
Although uncouth, unnecessary, and inhuman, re forced to subsist on our inter-species ken.
Because of the tyranny that can be amassed over individuals, communities, nations, and society at large , it's important to
As a socialy democratic citizen, concerned about the rights and saftey of my nation and its economy. Since the early 80's, our debt has grown to an astonishing $21 trillion and counting. Most areas are in what would b.called sockage. Are alphanumeric blocks good for toddlers and young children? And does access to structure nurture integrity? The Billy Bragg song, New England is good to listen to...
Developing wholesome and nurturing municipal teaching aids such as this, and i.e. a globe or map illuminating the correlation between earth, heart, herb (herth) & origin, along with sea urchin, enchenodia, virtue, integrity, and righteousness is imperative.
Wherever we, the citizens of Earth, lack access to this is where we are vulnerable.
Since I was born in the early 1980s, our country's infected and buck wild system has been leading the world into debt everyday, now over $21 trillion and counting...
Cave paintings like the ones in Tassili n' Ajjer, Modern Algeria, approximately 30,000 years ago, express that early humans were already well aware of our homeostatic relationship with cows, and their resemblance with North America.
Believe it or not all of the negative and violent energy that our existence experiences and perpitrates can be traced back to the events surrounding this infamous cultural schism.
Though society may be inhumane convoluted turned deeply convoluted, inhumane, ,manipulative and sychophanatic culture, as , as opposed to inhumane opression, and deeply convoluted, manipulative, and troubling systems, which we may have been born into, and that had premutated itself into our culture and civilization, in order to ingratiate
to escape systems of oppression,
Thay people recoil at we such wickedness. Many people are not all the way there.
Geomorphology is the study of geological pattterns and shapes, while apophenia and paradolia have to do with recognizing patterns, shapes, and images in random nature. Take for classic example, a map of North America, with East due North, revealing the outline of the top torso of a "cow-person"; while upside down, our shape is quite like an ardvark, armadillo, or anteater.
This is precisely the kind of wholesome and enriching material that raises awareness of ourselves, our country, planet, and it's inhabitants; and needs to be taught to students.
While awkward to explain for the animal agriculture loby and their shills, this is . Monopolistically
Although uncouth, unnecessary, and inhuman, re forced to subsist on our inter-species ken.
Because of the tyranny that can be amassed over individuals, communities, nations, and society at large , it's important to
As a socialy democratic citizen, concerned about the rights and saftey of my nation and its economy. Since the early 80's, our debt has grown to an astonishing $21 trillion and counting. Most areas are in what would b.called sockage. Are alphanumeric blocks good for toddlers and young children? And does access to structure nurture integrity? The Billy Bragg song, New England is good to listen to...
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This is good because in the middle
Enriching metadata such as this is part in parcel the curriculum that needs to be taught in classrooms, updated with the work force, and otherewise confirmed by all.
Wisdom protects our constitution.
Essential as it enlightens. knoweldge protects our constitution.
lack of a developed framework is indecative of moral decay.
While scantron can be used to verify indispensable points?
Developing wholesome and nurturing municipal teaching aids such as this, and i.e. a globe or map illuminating the correlation between earth, heart, herb (herth) & origin, along with sea urchin, enchenodia, virtue, integrity, and righteousness is imperative.
Wherever we, the citizens of Earth, lack access to this is where we are vulnerable.
Cave paintings like the ones in Tassili n' Ajjer, Modern Algeria, approximately 30,000 years ago, express that early humans were already well aware of our homeostatic relationship with cows, and their resemblance with North America.
Believe it or not all of the negative and violent energy that our existence experiences and perpitrates can be traced back to the events surrounding this infamous cultural schism.
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