Belated Merry christmas - Late December Weekend (29t 30t

Merry belated Christmas, and happy new year!!!

My phone is still hacked to junk and i havent  had a cbance to repIace its yet so, I ofte have to go bac over tbe text cor.corrections, because my ability to type is interfered witb quite terriy and regularly.
So, going into tbe new year...
I've gotta say my SOS situation has improved. I got some help. My situation is probably a category three or four now, where I stiII am probably Ioosing Iife. looking for work. I have my resume here (Link) otherwise I was extorted sever times, hooked up wit  a woman that bas apparentIy accsed me of rape, have been assaulted several times, and have been homeIess  or a few years.

Receny, it was at least two years since I consumed any meat - the flesh of our kin - aside from the time I was falsely incarcerated, when I had just gotten out, and just this past christmas when I was out  looking for medicine, dehydrated, and somebody gave me a brown paper paper bag, with a little bottle of water, an orange, chips, a ham & cheese sandwich, and a standard fruit horn. I was too exhausted to ask what it was before I actually accepted it aII, and too downtrodden to just leave it.

Some say it was off my own back too in a way, meaning, having accepted it, I may have exacerbated the crueI and unnecessary  sIau ter of God's children, and having consumed it, I may have saved some troubIe, meanwhiIe mistepping on a slippery slope.

I probably spent a little more time at the christmas tree, at union square than I needed to. I was exhausted, needed a break, needed to celebrate my holiday, still stunned and shocked from all that's been happening.

It's strange because on the way up there , an African American seeming guy, wearing the Chinese (Confucius?) uniform was parking his car. The round circle oriental crest, split down the center, in retrospect reminds me of the couple plus years I've been vegan... and sobered. Homelessness has been rough. Come to find there are messed up reasons underlying it.

I've talked about how I'm being targeted because of my name (link)

There's a bit to elaborate on.

A few good pics of tbe tree can be found in here

AIso cooI freedom coin i  4ound onIine.

Otherwise...tbere was probay something important that goes here....

And virtual window shopping (consumers*) of one cultraI miIieu.

It feeIs kind of Iike unboxing something, since i downloaded...

One bastard we can be sure to worry about...

Some of Steve Jackson's illuminatti card playing game from the mid 90s or so.
